Tuesday, October 20, 2015

George Seurat and Jacob Lawrence

For this assignment I wanted to compare and contrast Georges Seurat, a talented drawer, and Jacob Lawrence, a man who excelled in painting. I chose these two artist because they seem to having nothing in common, but they both used their surroundings to create beautiful pieces of art.

                  Georges Seurat lived in France during the late 1800’s and is famous when discussing conté crayon drawings. He used conté crayons to, “approximate the effect of color dots in paint” (150). Seurat drew inspiration for his drawings from the nightlife and entertainment he was surrounded by. Going to such an events was considered very aristocratic, but artist flocked to them to witness the lighting effects and dramatic performances. In his drawing entitled, Café-concert he brings out a very eerie side to the normally colorful performances. You can hardly make out the performer in the drawings, but you can perfectly see the dark silhouettes of the audience. He creates an eerie affect in many of his drawings and that’s what I like most about his work.
  Georges Seurat.  The Artist’s Mother. 1883. Crayon
Georges Seurat.. The Black Bow. Crayon
Georges Seurat. Café-concert. 1887-1888. Conté Crayon heightened with chalk

Jacob Lawrence was an artist who grew up in Harlem during the Harlem renaissance. Lawrence had a difficult up brining, but found solace in the public library, the Harlem Art Workshop, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Like Seurat, Lawrence gathered inspiration from the events happening around him, but the occurrences surrounding his daily life were far less fabulous than the performances and bright lights of France.
                  The themes found in Lawrence’s paintings stem from the violence and hardship he was witnessing while living in the ghetto. Seurat takes this extraordinary aristocratic life style and darkens it by only using black and white in his paintings, while Lawrence takes all the brutality surrounding his life and uses bright colors to depicts the terrible things happening around him. I wonder if this because of the differences in culture and time period or it was their on perception of the world. Seurat and Lawrence came from very different places and cultures, but I think it is interesting how they drew inspiration from their surroundings and how they choose to depict them using different mediums and colors.

Jacob Lawrence. Home Chores. 1945. 

Jacob Lawrence. Vaudeville. 1951.

Jacob Lawrence. Self Portrait. 1977. Gouache on paper